Tag: Gift Giving
2023 Bug Chasing and Gifting Giving Survey Results Published
I would like to give a massive thank you to everyone who participated in the 2023 Bug Chasing and Gift Giving Survey. This survey...
Poz Seeds: A Gift Giver Explains His Desire to Share HIV
Learning from others as we explore the world of bug chasing and gift giving provides us with a unique level of insight and is...
User Defined Definitions for Bug Chasing, Gift Giving and Poz-Centric Terms
Launched in 1999, Urban Dictionary is a website that is powered by its users, which is echoed by its current slogan "Urban Dictionary is...
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"Breeding Culture: Barebacking, Bugchasing, Giftgiving" is an academic essay written by Tim Dean in March 2008 and published in Volume 49 of The Massachusetts...
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Last month I was emailed by Curious Chaser member Sprigs suggesting I watch the short film called 'The Gift Giver'. I responded by saying...
Bug Chasing and Gift Giving Terms, Acronyms and Social Media Hashtags
If you have ever come across a word or term you've never heard of before, your first reaction might involve curiosity or confusion, where...
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The Gift Giver is a 20 minute film that was written, directed and produced by filmmaker Gareth Askew in 2014. The tagline for the...
Sharing the Virus: Intentional HIV Transmission and the Law
This article discusses legal implications that can be associated with bug chasing and gift giving, so it’s important to point out that the author...
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"The Gift" is a documentary from 2003 written, directed and produced by award-winning independent filmmaker Louise Hogarth that explores deliberate HIV infection and primarily...