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Saturday, January 18, 2025




Inside My Head: Thoughts from a Curious Chaser

So far my articles have been about other people or various topics, so now that the number of posts has reached double digits, I...

POZ-Centric Ink: Exploring Tattoos that Symbolise Being HIV-Positive

Bug chasing can often be very secretive, as it can be difficult for people who are not bug chasers to understand why someone wants...

The HIV Lifecycle: How HIV Enters Our Body and Reproduces

If you are curious about bug chasing, you might be interested in learning about the HIV lifecycle and that’s what this article is all...

Bug Chasing Involves Making the Decision to Enter into a Lifelong Commitment

According to an article published in 2018 by Psychology Today, we make an estimated 35,000 decisions on a daily basis, which is a massive...

Kenboy: A Bug Chaser Who Embraced the Chase and Lived a Positive Life

When you think about people who have publicly shared their love for bug chasing, there’s one face that might be stored some place in...

HIV Through the Stages: Signs and Symptoms of HIV

There are three stages of HIV and the symptoms throughout each stage can be different. Some people won’t have the same symptoms, as the...

House of Numbers is an HIV/AIDS Documentary from Brent W. Leung

We know a lot more about HIV/AIDS in the current day, but when HIV/AIDS was discovered in the early days, those in the research...

The French Virologist Who Co-Discovered HIV has Passed Away

The man who co-discovered the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) passed away on Tuesday, February 8, 2022 aged 89. Dr Luc Montagnier was a French...

Former Bug Chaser Shares His Chasing Experience Through His Own Story

A piece written by Doug Hitzel documenting his bug chasing journey and becoming HIV-positive at age 19 was published in POZ Magazine 20 years...

Sleazy London Club Became the Perfect Bareback Porn Set

Load Enterprises released a double bareback porn feature in 2008 called London Cum Pigs and if you're a fan of unscripted natural sex, make...