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Monday, January 13, 2025
Home Tags HIV/AIDS


POZ-Centric Ink: Exploring Tattoos that Symbolise Being HIV-Positive

Bug chasing can often be very secretive, as it can be difficult for people who are not bug chasers to understand why someone wants...

The HIV Lifecycle: How HIV Enters Our Body and Reproduces

If you are curious about bug chasing, you might be interested in learning about the HIV lifecycle and that’s what this article is all...

Bug Chasing Involves Making the Decision to Enter into a Lifelong...

According to an article published in 2018 by Psychology Today, we make an estimated 35,000 decisions on a daily basis, which is a massive...

Kenboy: A Bug Chaser Who Embraced the Chase and Lived a...

When you think about people who have publicly shared their love for bug chasing, there’s one face that might be stored some place in...

HIV Through the Stages: Signs and Symptoms of HIV

There are three stages of HIV and the symptoms throughout each stage can be different. Some people won’t have the same symptoms, as the...

The Question is Simple. The Answer is Complicated. Why Would Someone...

It’s the biggest question involving bug chasing and it only has three letters — why? Why would someone want to get infected with HIV?...

Rolling Stone Article Introduced Bug Chasing to a New Audience

Issue 915 of Rolling Stone Magazine published on February 6, 2003 included a surprise article that introduced its readers to a special report about...

The Gift by Louise Hogarth is a Documentary About Deliberate HIV...

"The Gift" is a documentary from 2003 written, directed and produced by award-winning independent filmmaker Louise Hogarth that explores deliberate HIV infection and primarily...

Barebacking and Bug Chasing ’A Deadly Dance’ According to Newsweek

One of the earliest documented articles about bug chasing was published 24 years ago when Marc Peyser wrote the article "A Deadly Dance" in...

An Open Letter to the HIV/AIDS Community

It’s imperative I say something extremely important from the very beginning, which is why this open letter is the first article I have published....