Chaser is a Short Film Exploring Barebacking and Risky Anonymous Sex
In an interview with Huffington Post in 2014, Sal Bardo described his 2013 film "Chaser" as "bringing the practice of bug chasing to the...
HIV by the Numbers: An Introduction to CD4 Count and Viral...
Life can be a balancing act, with numbers forming a central part of the equation, especially when it comes to budgeting or statistics. Numbers...
The Distinction Between Bug Chasing Fantasy and Reality
When it comes to bug chasing, those of us who are already on the path understand there can be a lot of emotion and...
Ejaculate Fluids: The Power and Persuasion of Positive Semen
"I'm gonna cum". These are the words any barebacker or bug chaser loves to hear when they’re getting fucked and if you’re like me,...
An Overview of the Different Type of HIV Tests Available
Whether you have already made the decision to start your chase or if you’re still thinking about it like me, knowing your HIV status...
Inside My Head: Thoughts from a Curious Chaser
So far my articles have been about other people or various topics, so now that the number of posts has reached double digits, I...
POZ-Centric Ink: Exploring Tattoos that Symbolise Being HIV-Positive
Bug chasing can often be very secretive, as it can be difficult for people who are not bug chasers to understand why someone wants...
The HIV Lifecycle: How HIV Enters Our Body and Reproduces
If you are curious about bug chasing, you might be interested in learning about the HIV lifecycle and that’s what this article is all...
Bug Chasing Involves Making the Decision to Enter into a Lifelong...
According to an article published in 2018 by Psychology Today, we make an estimated 35,000 decisions on a daily basis, which is a massive...
Kenboy: A Bug Chaser Who Embraced the Chase and Lived a...
When you think about people who have publicly shared their love for bug chasing, there’s one face that might be stored some place in...