Bug Chasing and Gift Giving Survey

The Bug Chasing and Gift Giving Survey is an interactive experience that gives you an opportunity to get involved and become a part of the results. The purpose of this survey is to give us insight into our community and to also a provide a better understanding about where we fit in on a personal level. As having an interest in HIV and/or other STIs can make you feel like you might be alone with your thinking, this survey helps us to understand and appreciate that we are not alone, because there are others just like us all around the world.

This survey is designed for both bug chasers and gift givers and those who have an interest in these subjects. All questions are optional, except for your email address, which is used to create a unique survey entry, but this is kept private. If you do not want to answer a question, you can skip the question and move to the next one. Survey questions will be presented to you based on your previous responses, so if a question appears to be missing, the reason is the question is not relevant based on an earlier response you gave.

A new survey is held each year to reflect changes in preferences and circumstances, plus this also provides an opportunity for new participants to get involved when they come across the survey for the very first time. If you have any feedback or comments you would like to share to make the next survey better, you can provide this at the end of the survey in the private comments section before you submit your responses. The current survey has been enhanced based on previous feedback received, so thank you for providing feedback.

For the first time there are five free text questions that provide you with an opportunity to provide more information, which can help you better express yourself and share a deeper level of information, but questions these are optional, so you can skip them if you prefer not to answer them. As with each of your individual responses, they will be detached before the final results are published to protect your privacy. This is your opportunity to speak freely, so please be open to sharing more about your thoughts and experiences.

1. Your name and email address is detached from your individual responses before being added to the published survey responses.
2. Any of the survey questions not relevant to you can be skipped, as the only mandatory question is your email address.
3. If you have any feedback to help make about bug chasing or gift giving, you can share more details on the last page.
4. Smart logic is used to power the survey, meaning only relevant questions will be presented based on your previous responses.
5. A round radio button will allow you to make one choice and a square checkbox will allow you to make multiple selections.
6. Responses that include “other” as an option will create a free-text field once selected so you can provide more specific details.
7. The only person who has access to your individual responses is Jason, who will collate the data before publishing the final results.



2024 Bug Chasing and Gift Giving Survey Results
2023 Bug Chasing and Gift Giving Survey Results
2022 Bug Chasing and Gift Giving Survey Results
2021 Bug Chasing Survey Results